Calls to non-geographic numbers

The term ‘non-geographic numbers’ refers to all numbers where differentiated pricing applies, irrespective of the caller’s geographical location. These can be free numbers (such as emergency or customer care numbers) or paid numbers.

Vianova, in acknowledging the user protection requirements set out by Resolution no. 600/09/CONS of the Autorità per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni (AgCom, the Italian Communications Authority) relating to ‘further provisions on permanent call blocking’, implemented the automatic blocking of calls to the following as of last January 1:

  • numbers for premium-rate services 894*, 895*, 899
  • numbers beginning with 4**
  • numbers corresponding to international premium and satellite routes above 1.50 euro/min

[*] with the exception of six-digit numbers.
[**] with the exception of toll-free numbers, numbers that allow access to subscription or supplementary services provided by Vianova, or numbers for which the cost is equal to the price of inter-district geographical calls, as well as numbers used exclusively to raise funds in order to make donations for charitable purposes.

The full list of numbers subject to automatic selective blocking can be consulted by viewing the following full list.

It is possible to remove the call block indicated above on all these numbers free of charge by sending us the relevant form via fax.

The unblocking request will be carried out within 5 working days, as set out by the AgCom resolution.

For further information, our Customer Service can be contacted by calling 145.

The following is a list of non-geographic number ranges that can be reached and the prices for the caller (euro/min excluding VAT).

Servizi a pagamento

Chiamate da rete Fissa verso:

Chiamate da rete Mobile verso:

Servizi gratuiti

codice servizio descrizione
112 Pronto intervento
113 Soccorso pubblico di emergenza
114 Emergenza maltrattamenti minori
115 Vigili del fuoco Pronto Intervento
117 Guardia di finanza
118 Emergenza sanitaria
119 Customer Care TIM
130 Customer Care Tiscali
133 Customer Care Tre
139 Customer Care Tre
1500 Emergenze per la salute pubblica
1515 Antincendio Corpo Forestale dello Stato
1518 Servizio informazioni CCISS
1522 Aiuto alle donne vittime di violenza
1530 Capitaneria di Porto Numero Blu
1533 Centro unico di prenotazione sanitaria
155 Customer Care Wind
156 Customer Care Wind
158 Customer Care Wind
159 Customer Care Wind
187 Customer Care Telecom Italia
190 Customer Care Vodafone
191 Customer Care Telecom Italia
192 Customer Care Fastweb
195 Customer Care Albacom
800 xxx xxx Numeri verdi
803 xxx Numeri verdi brevi

International Premium numbers with a cost of 1.50 euro/min

Service Code Destination Service Code Destination
003277 Belgium 003703 Lithuania
0037270 Estonia 003705 Lithuania
00338 France 003707 Lithuania
0035376 Ireland 003708 Lithuania
00353700 Ireland 003709 Lithuania
00353818 Ireland 003738 Moldova
003712 Latvia 003739 Moldova
00371810 Latvia 004470 United Kingdom
003716891 Latvia 0044843 United Kingdom
003718060 Latvia 0044844 United Kingdom
003719010 Latvia 0044845 United Kingdom
003719040 Latvia 0044870 United Kingdom
003719060 Latvia 0044871 United Kingdom
0037165159 Latvia 0044872 United Kingdom
0037165418 Latvia 0044873 United Kingdom
0037168519 Latvia 003451 Spain
004235 Liechtenstein 0034901 Spain
004236 Liechtenstein 0034902 Spain
004238 Liechtenstein 0034908 Spain
004239 Liechtenstein 0034909 Spain

International Premium numbers with a cost of 5.00 euro/min

Numbers subject to permanent call blocking from January 1, 2010 in accordance with AgCom Resolution 600/09/CONS (read the full list)

Service Code Destination Service Code Destination
00882349 Antarctica 005615 Chile
006110 Australia 00225217 Côte d’Ivoire
006112 Australia 0022590409 Côte d’Ivoire
006113 Australia 002612002 Madagascar
006114331 Australia 002612009 Madagascar
006118 Australia 002617 Madagascar
006119 Australia 00584152172 Venezuela
00237222 Cameroon 00584152173 Venezuela
002378 Cameroon 00584152174 Venezuela
005611 Chile