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  • SIM Vianova
    ,00 €
  • eSIM Vianova
    ,00 €
  • Credito aziendale
    3 € per ogni SIM
    ,00 €
    Promozione Online
    info Promozione Online
    Promozione Online

    La prima ricarica del credito aziendale è offerta da Vianova. Questa promozione è valida solo per il primo acquisto online.

    0,00 €
  • Spedizione
    Iva 22%
  • inclusa
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Included in Vianova Profiles

Certified email

Legal value for your email communications

Included in Vianova Profiles

Legal value for your email communications

Certified Electronic Mail (CEM) allows you to send emails with the same legal value as a registered letter with return receipt, with guaranteed proof of shipping and delivery times.

The service allows companies, professionals, and public administrations to communicate via a secure and certified channel, simplifying formal communications.


  • you eliminate the use of paper and toner as well as postage costs
  • you save time and avoid waiting at the post office


  • the service is practically immune to computer viruses thanks to antivirus services and sender certification
  • it guarantees enforceability against third parties in the event of a dispute
  • it uses secure and encrypted protocols


  • you can use it with your email program
  • it can also be accessed from the web

How it works

  • the email is certified because the Operator issues a receipt that constitutes legal proof that the message and any attachments were sent
  • similarly, the recipient’s Operator sends the sender a delivery receipt for the certified email message
  • the receipts, which include the date and time, certify that the message was sent and delivered without alterations
  • certified email is mandatory for all companies, public administrations, and registered/listed professionals

Additional CEM mailboxes

You can purchase additional mailboxes in addition to those included in the selected Vianova profile.

  • activation fee: Euro 5.00 for each mailbox
  • monthly amount: Euro 1.00 for each mailbox

Additional CEM space

You can purchase up to 300 GB of additional disk space for your certified email mailbox.

  • activation fee: Euro 5.00 euro for each mailbox
  • monthly amount: Euro 1.00 per GB

Additional CEM domain

You can certify your own domain or register a new one in addition to the one included in your Vianova profile.

  • activation fee: Euro 5.00
  • monthly amount: Euro 2.00 for each domain
  • in the Vianova 1.1 profile, CEM mailboxes are only provided on the domain
  • each Vianova profile includes a CEM mailbox for each voice channel
  • each CEM mailbox has 1 GB of independent email space in addition to the disk space indicated in the subscribed Vianova profile
  • the service includes a CEM domain certification for each subscribed Vianova site
  • certification only takes place for domains hosted by Vianova
  • the maximum size of a certified email is 100 MB, including attachments
  • the service does not allow the certification of mailboxes with the username ‘postmaster’
  • CEM mailboxes are provided on the domain or on your own domain, provided it is hosted by Vianova
  • messages can be sent to other addresses in carbon copy (CC), but not in blind carbon copy (BCC)
  • a message can be sent to up to 500 recipients (the sender will receive a delivery receipt email for each recipient)
  • any cancellation of the Vianova contract entails the deletion of the CEM mailboxes and the messages sent and received, as well as the decertification of the activated CEM domain
  • the length of a certified email address cannot exceed 80 characters and can only contain lowercase alphanumeric characters including periods and dashes; accented characters, spaces, and other special symbols are not allowed
  • the service is provided in collaboration with an operator accredited by the Agency for Digital Italy (AgID)
  • the delivery receipt confirms that the message has been delivered to the recipient’s mailbox but does not certify that the message has been read
  • the receipts have legal value only if the sender and the recipient communicate via CEM mailboxes
  • the receipts are stored by the Operator for at least 30 months; it is possible to request a copy with the same legal value
  • to guarantee the security of mailboxes, the CEM service uses the ‘TLS 1.2’ communication protocol, compatible with the most up-to-date versions of browsers and operating systems, and does not allow access to the service if the minimum requirements are not met; the list of versions that support the service is available at
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